100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book
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100 Migliori Dischi Del Progressive Italiano by Mox Cristadoro
The 100 Best Italian Progressive Records
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Mini-encyclopedia on The 100 Best Italian Progressive Records is a fascinating read
This native language miniencyclopaedia about Italian prog, specifically from 1970 to 1977, is a precious support guide for anyone who knows a smattering of Italian, whether they are new to the genre or well-seasoned progsters. Mox Cristadoro shows us many familiar names (Area, Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso, Goblin, New Trolls, PFM), but also many more obscure bands, with very peculiar stories to tell. Hundreds of books have been written about the Italian progressive scene, but only a few are able to captivate the reader in such a hypnotic way as this book does. Did you know that a very young Ritchie Blackmore used to play in the Anglo-Italian band The Trip? And that his Deep Purple bandmate Ian Paice played drums for the Piccolo Teatro in Milan back in 1967?
It’s very interesting food for thought when reflecting on how the involuntary isolation of many Italian small towns (particularly in Central and Southern Italy) – where it was nearly impossible to find records coming from abroad – helped some bands to create a new musical identity, influenced by classical musical rather than Van der Graaf Generator, Yes or Emerson, Lake & Palmer. It would be nice to see all of these stories translated into English… By Gary MacKenzie.... ~
Tsunami publishes an interesting book dedicated to the Italian progressive of the 70s in which the best albums of the period are examined. The volume is titled "The 100 best records of Italian progressive" and is edited by the enthusiast and collector Mox Cristadoro who treats the topic with great competence.
Fabio Zuffanti, pivotal figure of the new prog scene of our country and author of the introduction, well summarizes the qualities of the text highlighting how we are not in front of the usual book made of an arid encyclopedic list of artists and records.On the contrary, Mox Cristadoro's approach is that of a fan of the genre. Reading the examination of the albums, passion and transport emerge and all the love of an old lover of the Italian prog shines through. Italy had the honor in the 70s of boasting one of the most valid prog scenes internationally. It was a period of great creativity where, under the impulse of what was happening in England with the various King Crimson, Jethro Tull, Genesis, Gentle Giant, Van Der Graaf Generator etc. numerous groups were formed that adopted the innovative language of that music. The paradox was that bands like Genesis and Van Der Graaf Generator were more successful in Italy than in their home country. It was undoubtedly a period of great ferment in which legendary magazines and record labels such as Cramps and Bla Bla swarmed.
Behind the usual and well-known PFM, Banco del Mutuo Soccorso, Le Orme there were so many names that maybe they only released 1 album or 2 but that left an indelible mark on Italian history and musical culture. Take the case of the legendary Bronze Ballet which, with "YS", has created a disc that is today considered a prog milestone worldwide. Countries like Japan and Korea in particular - but also the United States and Europe - have a real cult for the Italian prog groups that have reprinted continuously.
Going deeper into the pages of the book, we find ourselves doing a sort of time travel backwards in which the atmospheres, the covers - often real works of art - and the sounds of that legendary era re-emerge. It is a volume full of anecdotes and details that I believe will appeal even to those who are not exactly newcomers.Space is therefore reserved for different experiences such as the hard rock of the Rovescio della Medal and Theorems, the ethnic music of Aktuala, the avant-garde of the first Battiato and Pierrot Lunaire and the jazz-rock of Agorà and Artie e Mestieri to demonstrate the richness and variety of the proposals of our scene. The absence of a very important name like the Opus Avantra is surprising. The afterword is by another expert - boss of the BTF record label - like Matthias Scheller.....review...y caesar666 for DeBaser.....~
Tsunami publishes an interesting book dedicated to the Italian progressive of the 70s in which the best albums of the period are examined. The volume is titled "The 100 best records of Italian progressive" and is edited by the enthusiast and collector Mox Cristadoro who treats the topic with great competence.
Fabio Zuffanti, pivotal figure of the new prog scene of our country and author of the introduction, well summarizes the qualities of the text highlighting how we are not in front of the usual book made of an arid encyclopedic list of artists and records.On the contrary, Mox Cristadoro's approach is that of a fan of the genre. Reading the examination of the albums, passion and transport emerge and all the love of an old lover of the Italian prog shines through. Italy had the honor in the 70s of boasting one of the most valid prog scenes internationally. It was a period of great creativity where, under the impulse of what was happening in England with the various King Crimson, Jethro Tull, Genesis, Gentle Giant, Van Der Graaf Generator etc. numerous groups were formed that adopted the innovative language of that music. The paradox was that bands like Genesis and Van Der Graaf Generator were more successful in Italy than in their home country. It was undoubtedly a period of great ferment in which legendary magazines and record labels such as Cramps and Bla Bla swarmed.
Behind the usual and well-known PFM, Banco del Mutuo Soccorso, Le Orme there were so many names that maybe they only released 1 album or 2 but that left an indelible mark on Italian history and musical culture. Take the case of the legendary Bronze Ballet which, with "YS", has created a disc that is today considered a prog milestone worldwide. Countries like Japan and Korea in particular - but also the United States and Europe - have a real cult for the Italian prog groups that have reprinted continuously.
Going deeper into the pages of the book, we find ourselves doing a sort of time travel backwards in which the atmospheres, the covers - often real works of art - and the sounds of that legendary era re-emerge. It is a volume full of anecdotes and details that I believe will appeal even to those who are not exactly newcomers.Space is therefore reserved for different experiences such as the hard rock of the Rovescio della Medal and Theorems, the ethnic music of Aktuala, the avant-garde of the first Battiato and Pierrot Lunaire and the jazz-rock of Agorà and Artie e Mestieri to demonstrate the richness and variety of the proposals of our scene. The absence of a very important name like the Opus Avantra is surprising. The afterword is by another expert - boss of the BTF record label - like Matthias Scheller.....review...y caesar666 for DeBaser.....~
100 Migliori Dischi Del Progressive Italiano, (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book)
1 Acqua Fragile - Mass-Media Stars, 1974
2 Agora - Live In Montreux, 1975
3 Aktuala - Aktuala, 1972
4 Gli Alluminogeni - Scolopendra, 1972
5 Alphataurus - Alphataurus, 1973
6 Alusa Fallax - Intorno Alla Mia Cattiva Educazione, 1974
7 Analogy - Analogy, 1972
8 Anonima Sound Ltd. - Red Tape Machine, 1972
9 Area - Arbeit Macht Frei (Il Lavoro Rende Liberi), 1973
10 Area - Are(A)Zione, 1975
11 Area - Meledetti, 1976
12 Arti E Mestieri - Tilt (Immagini Per Un Orecchio), 1974
13 Il Balletto Di Bronzo - Ys, 1972
14 Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso - Darwin !, 1972
15 Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso - Banco Del ...., 1972
16 Il Baricentro - Sconcerto, 1976
17 Franco Battiato - Pollution, 1972
18 Franco Battiato - Sulle Corde Di Aries, 1973
19 Biglietto Per L'Inferno - Biglietto Per L'Inferno, 1974
20 Blocco Mentale - Poa, 1973
21 Blue Phantom - Distortions, 1971
22 Juri Camisasca - La Finestra Dentro, 1974
23 Campo Di Marte - Campo Di Marte, 1973
24 Capitolo 6 - Frutti Per Kagua, 1972
25 Capsicum Red - Appunti Per Un'Idea Fissa, 1972
26 Cervello - Melos, 1973
27 Cherry Five - Cherry Five, 1975
28 Circus 2000 - Circus 2000, 1970
29 Corte Dei Miracoli - Corte Dei Miracoli, 1976
30 Dalton - Riflessioni: Idea D'Infinito, 1973
31 De De Lind - Io Non So Da Dove Vengo E Non ..., 1973
32 Dedalus - Dedalus, 1973
33 Delirium - Dolce Acqua, 1971
34 Edgar Allan Poe - Generazioni (Storia Di Sempre), 1974
35 Festa Mobile - Diario Di Viaggio Della Festa Mobile, 1973
36 Flea - Topi O Uomini, 1972
37 Formula 3 - Sognando E Risognando, 1972
38 Garybaldi - Nuda, 1972
39 Garybaldi - Astrolabio, 1973
40 I Giganti - Terra In Bocca (Poesia Di Un Delitto), 1971
41 Goblin - Profondo Rosso (Colonna Sonora) (2Cd), 1975
42 Goblin - Roller, 1976
43 Goblin - Suspiria (Colonna Sonora), 1977
44 Ibis - Sun Supreme, 1974
45 Jacula - Tardo Pede In Magiam Versus, 1972
46 J.E.T. - Fede, Speranza, Carita, 1972
47 Jumbo - Vietato Ai Minori Di 18 Anni ?, 1973
48 Latte E Miele - Passio Secundum Mattheum, 1972
49 Libra - Musica E Parole, 1975
50 Locanda Delle Fate - Forse Le Lucciole Non ...., 1977
51 Madrugada - Incastro, 1977
52 Maxophone - Maxophone, 1975
53 Metamorfosi - Inferno, 1973
54 Il Mucchio - Il Mucchio, 1970
55 Murple - Io Sono Murple (Cd+Dvd), 1974
56 Museo Rosenbach - Zarathustra, 1972
57 Napoli Centrale - Napoli Centrale, 1975
58 New Trolls - Concerto Grosso Per 1, 1971
59 New Trolls - Searching For A Land, 1972
60 Nico, Gianni, Frank, Maurizio - Canti D’Innocenza.., 1973
61 Nuova Idea - Clowns, 1973
62 Orme, Le - Collage, 1971
63 Orme, Le - Felona E Sorona, 1972
64 Orme, Le - Verita Nascoste, 1976
65 Osage Tribe - Arrow Head, 1972
66 Osanna - L'Uomo, 1972
67 Osanna - Milano Calibro 9 (Colonna Sonora), 1972
68 Osanna - Palepoli, 1973
69 Il Paese Dei Balocchi - Il Paese Dei Balocchi, 1972
70 Panna Fredda - Uno, 1971
71 Perigeo - Abbiamo Tutti Un Blues Da Piangere, 1973
72 Pholas Dactylus - Concerto Delle Menti, 1973
73 Pierrot Lunaire - Gudrun, 1977
74 Planetarium - Infinity, 1971
75 Premiata Forneria Marconi - Storia Di Un Minuto, 1972
76 Premiata Forneria Marconi - Photos Of Ghosts, 1973
77 Premiata Forneria Marconi - Live In Usa, 1974
78 Procession - Frontiera, 1972
79 Procession - Fiaba, 1974
80 Quella Vecchia Locanda - Quella Vecchia Locanda, 1972
81 Raccomandata Ricevuta Ritorno - Per…Un..,1972
82 Alberto Radius - Radius, 1972
83 Reale Accademia Di Musica - Reale Accademia .., 1972
84 Claudio Rocchi - Volo Magico N.1, 1971
85 Claudio Rocchi - Il Miele Dei Pianeti Le Isole Le Api, 1974
86 Rocky's Filj - Storie Di Uomini E Non, 1973
87 Rovescio Della Medaglia, Il - La Bibbia, 1971
88 Rovescio Della Medaglia, Il - Contaminazione, 1973
89 Saint Just - Saint Just, 1973
90 Samadhi - Samadhi, 1974
91 Semiramis - Dedicato A Frazz, 1973
92 Sensations' Fix - Finest Finger, 1976
93 Alan Sorrenti - Aria, 1972
94 I Teoremi - I Teoremi, 1972
95 The Trip - Caronte, 1971
96 Uno - Uno, 1974
97 L'Uovo Di Colombo - L'Uovo Di Colombo, 1973
98 Venegoni & Co. - Rumore Rosso, 1977
99 Il Volo - Il Volo, 1974
100 Il Volo - Essere O Non Essere ?, 1975
2 Agora - Live In Montreux, 1975
3 Aktuala - Aktuala, 1972
4 Gli Alluminogeni - Scolopendra, 1972
5 Alphataurus - Alphataurus, 1973
6 Alusa Fallax - Intorno Alla Mia Cattiva Educazione, 1974
7 Analogy - Analogy, 1972
8 Anonima Sound Ltd. - Red Tape Machine, 1972
9 Area - Arbeit Macht Frei (Il Lavoro Rende Liberi), 1973
10 Area - Are(A)Zione, 1975
11 Area - Meledetti, 1976
12 Arti E Mestieri - Tilt (Immagini Per Un Orecchio), 1974
13 Il Balletto Di Bronzo - Ys, 1972
14 Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso - Darwin !, 1972
15 Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso - Banco Del ...., 1972
16 Il Baricentro - Sconcerto, 1976
17 Franco Battiato - Pollution, 1972
18 Franco Battiato - Sulle Corde Di Aries, 1973
19 Biglietto Per L'Inferno - Biglietto Per L'Inferno, 1974
20 Blocco Mentale - Poa, 1973
21 Blue Phantom - Distortions, 1971
22 Juri Camisasca - La Finestra Dentro, 1974
23 Campo Di Marte - Campo Di Marte, 1973
24 Capitolo 6 - Frutti Per Kagua, 1972
25 Capsicum Red - Appunti Per Un'Idea Fissa, 1972
26 Cervello - Melos, 1973
27 Cherry Five - Cherry Five, 1975
28 Circus 2000 - Circus 2000, 1970
29 Corte Dei Miracoli - Corte Dei Miracoli, 1976
30 Dalton - Riflessioni: Idea D'Infinito, 1973
31 De De Lind - Io Non So Da Dove Vengo E Non ..., 1973
32 Dedalus - Dedalus, 1973
33 Delirium - Dolce Acqua, 1971
34 Edgar Allan Poe - Generazioni (Storia Di Sempre), 1974
35 Festa Mobile - Diario Di Viaggio Della Festa Mobile, 1973
36 Flea - Topi O Uomini, 1972
37 Formula 3 - Sognando E Risognando, 1972
38 Garybaldi - Nuda, 1972
39 Garybaldi - Astrolabio, 1973
40 I Giganti - Terra In Bocca (Poesia Di Un Delitto), 1971
41 Goblin - Profondo Rosso (Colonna Sonora) (2Cd), 1975
42 Goblin - Roller, 1976
43 Goblin - Suspiria (Colonna Sonora), 1977
44 Ibis - Sun Supreme, 1974
45 Jacula - Tardo Pede In Magiam Versus, 1972
46 J.E.T. - Fede, Speranza, Carita, 1972
47 Jumbo - Vietato Ai Minori Di 18 Anni ?, 1973
48 Latte E Miele - Passio Secundum Mattheum, 1972
49 Libra - Musica E Parole, 1975
50 Locanda Delle Fate - Forse Le Lucciole Non ...., 1977
51 Madrugada - Incastro, 1977
52 Maxophone - Maxophone, 1975
53 Metamorfosi - Inferno, 1973
54 Il Mucchio - Il Mucchio, 1970
55 Murple - Io Sono Murple (Cd+Dvd), 1974
56 Museo Rosenbach - Zarathustra, 1972
57 Napoli Centrale - Napoli Centrale, 1975
58 New Trolls - Concerto Grosso Per 1, 1971
59 New Trolls - Searching For A Land, 1972
60 Nico, Gianni, Frank, Maurizio - Canti D’Innocenza.., 1973
61 Nuova Idea - Clowns, 1973
62 Orme, Le - Collage, 1971
63 Orme, Le - Felona E Sorona, 1972
64 Orme, Le - Verita Nascoste, 1976
65 Osage Tribe - Arrow Head, 1972
66 Osanna - L'Uomo, 1972
67 Osanna - Milano Calibro 9 (Colonna Sonora), 1972
68 Osanna - Palepoli, 1973
69 Il Paese Dei Balocchi - Il Paese Dei Balocchi, 1972
70 Panna Fredda - Uno, 1971
71 Perigeo - Abbiamo Tutti Un Blues Da Piangere, 1973
72 Pholas Dactylus - Concerto Delle Menti, 1973
73 Pierrot Lunaire - Gudrun, 1977
74 Planetarium - Infinity, 1971
75 Premiata Forneria Marconi - Storia Di Un Minuto, 1972
76 Premiata Forneria Marconi - Photos Of Ghosts, 1973
77 Premiata Forneria Marconi - Live In Usa, 1974
78 Procession - Frontiera, 1972
79 Procession - Fiaba, 1974
80 Quella Vecchia Locanda - Quella Vecchia Locanda, 1972
81 Raccomandata Ricevuta Ritorno - Per…Un..,1972
82 Alberto Radius - Radius, 1972
83 Reale Accademia Di Musica - Reale Accademia .., 1972
84 Claudio Rocchi - Volo Magico N.1, 1971
85 Claudio Rocchi - Il Miele Dei Pianeti Le Isole Le Api, 1974
86 Rocky's Filj - Storie Di Uomini E Non, 1973
87 Rovescio Della Medaglia, Il - La Bibbia, 1971
88 Rovescio Della Medaglia, Il - Contaminazione, 1973
89 Saint Just - Saint Just, 1973
90 Samadhi - Samadhi, 1974
91 Semiramis - Dedicato A Frazz, 1973
92 Sensations' Fix - Finest Finger, 1976
93 Alan Sorrenti - Aria, 1972
94 I Teoremi - I Teoremi, 1972
95 The Trip - Caronte, 1971
96 Uno - Uno, 1974
97 L'Uovo Di Colombo - L'Uovo Di Colombo, 1973
98 Venegoni & Co. - Rumore Rosso, 1977
99 Il Volo - Il Volo, 1974
100 Il Volo - Essere O Non Essere ?, 1975
100 Migliori Dischi Del Progressive Italiano,(100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book),posts blogger
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Albums Covers
Maxophone"Maxophone"1975 Italy Prog (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) a minor masterpiece |
Latte E Miele"Passio Secundum Mattheum"1972 Italy Prog Symphonic (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Ibis "Sun Supreme"1974 Italy Prog (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Jacula "Tardo Pede In Magiam Versus" 1972 IT Prog,Symphonic dark masterpiece (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) (Antonius Rex members) |
Madrugada "Incastro" 1977 Italy Prog Folk Rock (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) (Pangea, Premiata Forneria Marconi-members) |
Le Orme "Collage" 1971 +"Felona E Sorona"1972 + "Verita Nascoste"1976 Italy Prog Symphonic masterpieces...! (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Le Orme "Collage" 1971 +"Felona E Sorona"1972 + "Verita Nascoste"1976 Italy Prog Symphonic masterpieces...! (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Le Orme "Collage" 1971 +"Felona E Sorona"1972 + "Verita Nascoste"1976 Italy Prog Symphonic masterpieces...! (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Jumbo "Vietato Ai Minori Di 18 Anni ?" 1973 Italy Prog (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso "Banco Del ...." 1972 Italian Prog masterpiece (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book)..Top Classic...! |
Franco Battiato"Sulle Corde Di Aries"1973 Italy Experimental,Prog,Electronic,Minimal,Ambient (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Osanna “L'Uomo” 1972 Italy Prog Hard Rock (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) (Città Frontale,Luna, Nova,Tunnel,Uno,The Showmen,Nova-members) |
Edgar Allan Poe “Generazioni (Storia Di Sempre)” 1974 Italy Prog (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Dedalus"Dedalus" 1973 Italy Prog Jazz Rock Fusion (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) ultra rare debut album in Trident label |
Pholas Dactylus"Concerto Delle Menti"1973 Italy Avant Garde Prog (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Planetarium "Infinity" 1971 ultra rare Italy Prog Space Rock (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Premiata Forneria Marconi "Photos Of Ghosts" 1973 Italy Prog (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Procession"Fiaba"1974 Italy Prog Rock (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) (Raccomandata Ricevuta Ritorno,Arti & Mestieri,The Paul Kelly Band-members) |
Sensations' Fix “Finest Finger” 1976 Italy Prog Rock (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) (Sheriff,Campo Di Marte, Noi Tre,Triade-members) |
The Trip"Caronte"1971 IT / UK Prog Rock (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Uno "Uno" 1974 Italy Prog Rock (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) (Città Frontale,Luna,Nova Osanna,Tunnel,The Showmen,Hellza Poppin-members) |
Cherry Five "Cherry Five" 1975 Italy Prog Rock (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) (Goblin, L'Uovo di Colombo,Rustichelli & Bordini-members) |
Area "Maledetti" 1976 Italy Avant Prog,Jazz Rock,Experimental (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Circus 2000 "Circus 2000"1970 ultra rare Italy Prog Psych monster (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) (Duello Madre,Living Life-members) |
Agora "Live In Montreux"1975 Italy Jazz Rock Fusion (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) debut album |
Aktuala"Aktuala"1973 Italy Experimental,Avant Garde,Ethnic Avant Folk (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Rovescio Della Medaglia “La Bibbia”1971 Italy Heavy Prog (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) debut album |
Corte Dei Miracoli “Corte Dei Miracoli” 1976 Italy Prog,Symphonic masterpiece (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Formula 3 "Sognando E Risognando"1972 Italy Prog (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) (Il Volo, Quelli, The Big Ben's,I Camaleonti, I Samurai-members) |
Cervello “Melos” 1973 Italy Prog Rock (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Capsicum Red "Appunti Per Un'Idea Fissa"1972 Italy Prog Symphonic (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) (Panna Fredda,Pooh-members) |
Alusa Fallax "Intorno Alla Mia Cattiva Educazione" 1974 Italy Prog Rock (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Area "Are(A)Zione"1975 IT Avant Prog,Jazz Rock,Experimental (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Panna Fredda "Uno" 1971 mega rare Italian Prog monster (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) (Capsicum Red-member) |
Murple "Io Sono Murple"1974 Italy Prog Symphonic (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) (Il Balletto Di Bronzo,Angelo Branduardii’s live band-member) |
Il Mucchio "Il Mucchio"1970 Carosello label Italy Prog Psych (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
L'Uovo Di Colombo"L'Uovo Di Colombo" 1973 Italy Prog Rock (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) (Etna, Flea,Flea On The Honey, Equipe 84,Samadhi,Gli Alunni Del Sole-members) |
Venegoni & Co."Rumore Rosso" 1977 IT Prog Jazz Rock Fusion (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) debut album (Arti & Mestieri, Procession-members) |
Delirium "Dolce Acqua" 1971 Italy Prog Rock (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) debut album |
Rocky's Filj “Storie Di Uomini E Non” 1973 Italy Prog Jazz Rock (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Festa Mobile"Diario Di Viaggio Della Festa Mobile" 1970 Italy Prog Rock (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) (Il Baricentro-members) |
Premiata Forneria Marconi "Live In Usa" 1974 Italy Prog Symponic Rock,Jazz Rock,Art Rock (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Perigeo "Abbiamo Tutti Un Blues Da Piangere" 1973 Italy Prog Jazz Rock Fusion(100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Anonima Sound Ltd."Red Tape Machine"1972 monster rare Arcobaleno label, Italy Psych,Blues Rock (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Blocco Mentale "Πoα"1973 mega rare Italian Prog Rock masterpiece (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Metamorfosi "Inferno" 1973 Italian Prog,Symphonic masterpiece (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) A highlight of Italian prog |
Alphataurus "Alphataurus"1973 mega rare (tri-fold vinyl) Italian Prog,Symphonic,masterpiece..) (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Reale Accademia Di Musica "Reale Accademia" 1972 Italy Prog (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) (Fholks,Goblin,Libra members) |
Area "Arbeit Macht Frei (Il Lavoro Rende Liberi)" 1973 Italy Avant Prog masterpiece.. (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Il Baricentro "Sconcerto" 1976 (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) +"Trusciant"1978 Italy Instrumental Prog Jazz Rock Fusion (Festa Mobile members) |
Il Balletto Di Bronzo“YS” 1972 Italy Prog Rock (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Garybaldi “Astrolabio” 1973 second album Italy Prog Rock (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Dalton "Riflessioni: Idea D'Infinito" 1973 (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) + “Argitari”1975 Rock Progressivo Italiano |
Samadhi “Samadhi” 1974 Italian Prog (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Alberto Radius "Alberto Radius" 1972 super rare & excellent Italy Prog Rock in Numero Uno label debut album (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Osanna“Milano Calibro 9 -Preludio,Tema, Variazioni E Canzona” 1972 Italy Prog Rock soundrack (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Premiata Forneria Marconi “Storia di un Minuto” 1972 debut album an Italian Prog masterpiece (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Saint Just "Saint Just" 1973 (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) +"La Casa Del Lago" 1974 Italy Prog Folk Rock |
Arti & Mestieri “Tilt Immagini Per Un Orecchio” 1974 Italy Prog Jazz Fusion one of the best Italian albums on prog scene in 70`s (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Quella Vecchia Locanda “Quella Vecchia Locanda” 1972 Italy Prog Rock debut album (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
H.Tical aka Armando Sciacia “Distortions Pop” or Blue Phantom”Distortions” 1971 Italy Psych Space Rock (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Il Rovescio Della Medaglia “Contaminazione” 1973 Italy Prog Rock (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Osage Tribe ”Arrow Head” 1972 Italy Heavy Prog (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Alan Sorrenti "Aria" 1972 Italy Prog Folk Rock (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
I Giganti “Terra In Bocca” 1971 Italy Prog (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
I Teoremi “I Teoremi” 1972 mega rare Italian Prog (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Juri Camisasca "La Finestra Dentro" 1974 Rock Progressivo Italiano (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
New Trolls “Concerto Grosso Per I New Trolls” 1971 Italian Prog Symphonic (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Napoli Centrale “Napoli Centrale” 1975 (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) +"Mattanza" 1976 +"Qualcosa Ca Nu' Mmore" 1978 Italy Jazz Rock Fusion |
Procession “Frontiera” 1972 Italy Prog debut album (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Pierrot Lunaire“Pierrot Lunaire“ 1974 +“Gudrun”1977 (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) + “Tre” 2011 Italy Prog Experimental Avant Garde |
Capitolo 6 “Frutti Per Kagua” 1972 ultra rare & excellent Italian Prog (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Gli Alluminogeni “Scolopendra” 1972 mega rare Italian Prog (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Locanda Delle Fate ”Forse Le Lucciole Non Si Amano Più” 1977 Italy Prog Rock (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Banco del Mutuo Soccorso “Darwin!” 1972 Italy Prog Symphonic (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Biglietto Per L'Inferno “Biglietto Per L'Inferno” 1974 Rock Progressivo Italiano first album (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Museo Rosenbach “Zarathustra” 1973 Italian Prog masterpiece.. (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Il Paese Dei Balocchi “Il Paese Dei Balocchi” 1972 ultra rare & excellent Italian Progressive,Symphonic (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
J.e.t. “Fede, Speranza, Carità” 1972 Italy Prog (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
New Trolls “Searching For A Land” 1972 Rock Progressivo Italiano (100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book) |
Ludovico Einaudi, Franco Battiato, Alan Sorrenti and Red Canzian, but also Francesco De Gregori, Tullio De Piscopo and even an unsuspected Michele Zarrillo. What do all these artists, leading exponents of what was once called "pop music", have in common? The period of serious and proud rock militancy. The answer is from Mox Cristadoro, a journalist with proven experience with the Made in Italy progressive rock, the man who allowed Steven Wilson and Serji Tankan to get to know the records of Area and Napoli Centrale. Passion takes the tangible form of the book with " The hundred best records of Italian progressive ", for what will become yet another jewel of the Tsunami house .
i_100_migliori_dischi_progressive_italiano_speciale_02" I keep an indelible memory" , writes the author in the preface, "of the autumn afternoon skies in the second half of the 70s as an important step in my life, but also as a particularly inspired moment of human creativity". In this historical context, even our country knew how to carve out its moment of glory which projected it for a period on the international stage. A prolificity dictated by the ferment that went through the nation in those years, including the drifts that would have led it in the dark climate of the years of lead. Italian progressive rock was, Ian Anderson's word, the greatest thing that Italy has ever achieved outside its borders in musical terms, and its creative zenith can be placed between '71 and '76, period in which our country has been a swarm of situations devoted to experimentation in the name of rock outside the box.
"The 100 best records of Italian progressive" summarizes the significant stages of that period with the expertise that characterizes every fan. The discs of Area, PFM, Goblin, Battiato and New Trolls ("Concerto Grosso") are the obligatory stages of a journey that ends in the corners of time, between the grooves of the debut of Ticket to Hell ("the best album rock never released in Italy ") and the avant-garde visions of Pholas Dactylus. There is no corner of the peninsula that has not had its expression of progressive rock, from the big cities (Naples, Milan, Genoa) epicenter of a movement that has radiated like an earthquake for the whole boot. There is the fine thread that connects Italy and the United Kingdom, the land that gave birth to the sacred monsters of the genre (Yes, King Crimson, Gentle Giant ... ) which have collected the first public consensus right in our part. There is a world of artists that for almost a decade has brought a breath of fresh air into the rigid Italian panorama, an experience which musicians such as those mentioned at the beginning have treasured before taking more nationalpopular paths.
There are those who have come back into oblivion, those who have turned and made music into a millionaire profession, those who have withdrawn in the grip of their mystical vocations: here, this book collects all these stories of life, people and music, deeds of ordinary and extraordinary men who made the pride of our country. That future generations are aware of this....by Luca Ciuti....~
The series of books published by Tsunami Edizioni continues, which collects the essential titles to understand a musical genre. A number of books on Italian progressive have already been written, but this compendium is interesting for a number of reasons, which we try to list.
First let's say straight away that there are no recriminations to make regarding the choice of titles that have been included in this collection. The albums we are talking about were all released between 1970 and 1977, the period we are classically talking about to define the first phase of splendor of the progressive of our house, so the works to be treated are now known to most. Next to the classic names, however, such as the triad Orme - PFM - Banco, and others equally fundamental, however considerable under a broader conception of the term progressive, such as the Area or the Arti e Mestieri, we also find some practically unknown releases, like the Blue Phantom, the Pholas Dactylus and the Mental Block. No less deserving bands, often more unfortunate due to a series of situations (geographical location, unrecognized record company, etc.), perhaps authors of only one work, who emerge from oblivion and become a starting point for an interesting personal research by the reader. Furthermore, this book is not intended, at least apparently, for a novice audience; often one has the impression that many things are given for known (for example, the whole tortuous artistic-spiritual life of the late Claudio Rocchi), and one prefers to focus on an in-depth analysis of the songs that make up each disc.
Another aspect to which the author Mox Cristadoro gives ample space regards visual art. By implying that those famous one hundred records we are talking about have them all on vinyl (on a couple of occasions the author also tells about the fortunate circumstances that allowed him to get hold of that particular copy), there are many references to gatefold covers and images, almost always dreamlike, visionary and experimental, which in turn constitute a fundamental element of the genre. After all, talking about progressive Italian means talking about wide-ranging musical experimentation, referring to a period in which at least a part of Italian music was explored and contaminated, demonstrating an extraordinary mental openness which then, unfortunately, gradually got lost , or at least losing the visibility that the genre had managed to achieve (those who have attended a concert of Osanna in recent years will have very clear, for example, how the band projects, at a certain point of the show, archive images of a musical program of the early 70s broadcast on Rai with the Neapolitans as protagonists). Not surprisingly, among the names of the musicians that appear in the book there are many who then continued to make music, but taking much more commercial paths; the most emblematic example is perhaps that of Michele Zarrillo who, before composing tacky things like "The elephant and the butterfly" and "The song of the sea", had attempted the path of progressive in the Semiramis. as the band projects, at a certain point of the show, repertoire images of a musical program of the early 70s broadcast on Rai with the Neapolitans as protagonists). Not surprisingly, among the names of the musicians that appear in the book there are many who then continued to make music, but taking much more commercial paths; the most emblematic example is perhaps that of Michele Zarrillo who, before composing tacky things like "The elephant and the butterfly" and "The song of the sea", had attempted the path of progressive in the Semiramis. as the band projects, at a certain point of the show, repertoire images of a musical program of the early 70s broadcast on Rai with the Neapolitans as protagonists). Not surprisingly, among the names of the musicians that appear in the book there are many who then continued to make music, but taking much more commercial paths; the most emblematic example is perhaps that of Michele Zarrillo who, before composing tacky things like "The elephant and the butterfly" and "The song of the sea", had attempted the path of progressive in the Semiramis. but by taking much more commercial paths; the most emblematic example is perhaps that of Michele Zarrillo who, before composing tacky things like "The elephant and the butterfly" and "The song of the sea", had attempted the path of progressive in the Semiramis. but by taking much more commercial paths; the most emblematic example is perhaps that of Michele Zarrillo who, before composing tacky things like "The elephant and the butterfly" and "The song of the sea", had attempted the path of progressive in the Semiramis.
A third aspect to underline is the author's attempt to find similarities between the works of Italian progressive and a whole series of genres that came later, from dark to NWOBHM. An attempt is therefore made to demonstrate that the musicians of the 70s were the forerunners of many foreign record releases which then became, in subsequent years, much more famous and held in greater consideration in our country. This choice is completely understandable (after all it is another way to give importance to one of the brightest periods of recent musical history), but sometimes it seems decidedly forced. In any case, we recommend reading to the most expert connoisseurs of the genre, as a sort of reminder, and to those who perhaps only know the most important issues... BY ANNA MINGUZZI...~
Rock Progressivo Italiano Albums Covers I + II + 100 Best Albums of Italian Progressive by Mox Cristadoro book, albums archive
- https://returntotheunderground.blogspot.com/2019/11/rock-progressivo-italiano-lattemiele-2.html?view=sidebar
- https://returntotheunderground.blogspot.com/2020/02/rock-progressivo-italiano-albums-covers.html?view=sidebar
- https://returntotheunderground.blogspot.com/2020/01/100-best-albums-of-italian-progressive.html?view=sidebar
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